Combined brake-clutch SFF model
148-775 mm
80-19000 Nm static
3200-700 max rpm
Technical specifications of these units yeld a very low dynamic inertia. This is essential in all applications where a high connection clutches per hour is required and in all cases where the dynamical moment of the clutch-brake unit has got a great importance as regard the machine. Braking action is obtained by means of springs, the clutch operates pneumatically. Brake and clutch are designed not to operate simultaneously. Materials selected for the construction guarantee a very high resistance to mechanical stress and a long life of parts subject to wear. A special design attention has been paid to heat dispersion, this makes S units particularly suited for all applications where frequent start and stop are required: presses, shears, rolling mills, textile machines, machineries for iron, plastics, wooden, paper manufacturing and so on. The unit self adjustment, its simple construction and control device allow a safe running ad a minimal maintenance at the same time.
148-775 mm
80-19000 Nm static
3200-700 max rpm
148-775 mm
40-10000 Nm dynamic
3200-700 max rpm
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[]-[] Nm
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[]-[] Nm
[]-[] rpm
325-1135 mm
240-13400 Nm static
160-8700 Nm dynamic
2500-700 max rpm
148-775 mm
65-13400 Nm static
30-8700 Nm dynamic
3200-700 max rpm
456-1160 mm
[]-[] Nm static
[]-[] Nm dynamic
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